
Ayurvedic Doctors (Vaidyas)

Ayurvedic Counselors

ayurvedic bodyworkers


Scope of Practice for the Ayurvedic Professions

During the booking process you will be able to select the clinician that you want to see for your appointment. We recommend you select the appropriate level of profession that can best meet your needs. Our booking administrator will be delighted to assist you.

Ayurvedic Doctor: More specialized training in Ayurvedic medicine and overview training in western allopathic medicine enable this level professional the skills and knowledge to provide an integrative medical approach to their patients.

Ayurvedic Practitioner: Ayurvedic professional with full clinical training in disease pathology, as seen through the Ayurvedic model. These professionals also practice prevention and health promotion through the focus on diet and lifestyle.

Ayurvedic Health Counselor: Ayurvedic professional versed and educated to serve the community in the area of prevention and health promotion with a focus on diet and lifestyle.

Ayurvedic Bodywork Therapist: Ayurvedic professional versed and educated in various bodywork treatments.

Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist: Ayurvedic professional with specializing in yoga therapy in an Ayurveda doshic framework.