
Gloria Carmona

Gloria Carmona

Gloria has certifications in Ayurvedic Massage and Body Therapies, Hata and Tantra Yoga, as well as in Reiki level III. She has been working for 15 years in joint therapies to provide people an improvement in their wellness and health as well as a better understanding of their bodies and minds. Gloria has been providing individual and group training sessions. She loves learning and discovering new things that can help to contribute to people’s personal growth. Gloria’s interests include binaural music, vegetarian food, as well as ancient and modern holistic forms of healing. Because "We are all part of a magical gear that moves the entire universe".

Appointments with Gloria


Nourish your body with a warm medicated oil that is applied to various parts of the body, including the head and the feet.

Regular oil application removes excess waste from the skin, increases muscle tone and flexibility of the joints, and stimulates the nervous system.

An infused herbal oil application can be applied according to your unique constitution. If your unique constitution is unknown, the clinician will use a tridoshic oil suitable for all.

Newcomer Abhyanga (First Time - 60 Minutes): $100
Abhaynga (60 Minutes): $120

20% gratuity is appreciated


A gentle pouring of oil, milk, buttermilk, or water over the head. It can be combined with a body or head massage.

$80 for 30 min
$120 for 60 min
$270 for three 45-min sessions

Ready to Book?

Dr. Pratibha Shah

Dr. Pratibha Shah

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery, MD (Ayurveda), Master of Public Health
Founder & President, Council for Ayurveda Research, Wholistic Health Alliance
CEO, My Ayurved LLC, Swa Stha Organic Herbs

Dr. Anjali Singh

Dr. Anjali Singh

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery, Banaras Hindu University
Master of Diseases, Banaras Hindu University
PhD Herbal Pharmacology, Banaras Hindu University
Professor of Plant Medicine, Sri Krishna Ayurveda College
Physician and Ayurvedic Doctor, SAS Ayurveda Hospital India

Tessa Brackett

Tessa Brackett


Tessa, a native of England, began taking Shadow Yoga classes and learning about Ayurveda 20 years ago while recovering from a car accident. She felt an immediate curiosity and affinity to both Yoga and Ayurveda, and since that time, both have been foundational in her daily life.

From her own injuries and recovery journey, Tessa learned that physical health and mental well-being are intrinsically linked. She retrained as a Complimentary Massage Therapist and opened her own holistic massage business in London. Through her work and her own experience, Tessa understood the importance of the one-to-one healing relationship and also witnessed the profound impact of a holistic approach to health. She discovered a passion for caring for people by nurturing their connection to their bodies, which fostered wider and more integrated benefits.

In 2011, Tessa and her husband moved to the USA to adopt three siblings. Since then she has widened her understanding of whole health healing and vitality practices with formal trainings in Ayurveda (AHC) and Yoga (YTT500).

Tessa’s mission is to convey the wisdom of Ayurveda to enhance self-awareness, empower health, to enrich each individual life and the lives of those around them.

Bookings Available:

Mondays 1-3p • Livestream

Tuesdays 1-3p • Livestream

Wednesdays 12-5p • Livestream