Alumni Spotlight - Samantha Devine

Meet Samantha Devine, Fall 2020 AHC Cohort

Class: Fall 2020

Location: Amherst, NH

IG: devine.ayurveda

What’s your prakriti? Pitta 

What are your signature gunas?  

ushna, sharp, tikshna, drava, chala and SNIGDHA

How would you describe your Ayurveda Dharma? 

I was given my first Ayurvedic consultation as a gift. I was a relatively happy Montessori teacher that made a number of excuses for my temper, bulging veins and (now I know) rajasic lifestyle. I had no idea that an evening in a basement office with Janelle Salzman would change my life forever. I was freed from my excuses and given not only answers but a very clear path to follow to wellness. I arrived in her office 12 years ago as a dominant pitta with vata derangement. I loved the daily practices and food incompatibility immediately and I clung to those for years. For many years I contemplated becoming certified in Ayurveda and began working with a Vedic Psychologist. At that point I was hooked, the connections Ayurveda makes the solutions it offers, learning about the gunas of the mind, the possibilities became endless. I became a lover and student of Ayurveda many years ago, Boston Ayurveda School took my berth of knowledge and gave each tidbit depth, and for that, I am forever grateful.

What interests or work do you pursue outside of Ayurveda?

I have been coaching women's lacrosse (a sport I did not play) for over ten years and love it. I'm a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) in the state of New Hampshire. I'm an ocean person and though I live in New England, I jump into the ocean at least once a month all year long. I love reading, hiking, yoga, time with family and LOVE to cook.

What’s your favorite dinacharya these days?

ABHYANGA- I couldn't survive the winter without it.  When I first came to Ayurveda I detested the practice and it took years to be able to comfortably circle my stomach with a loving touch and tongue scraping, I can't believe there are people that don't!

What is your tidbit of advice or mantra that you’d share with a student of Ayurveda?

The hardest clients you have will require the simplest solutions to start. Don't underestimate the power of boiled water or breathing.

What’s your personal strategy to strive for balance in the Winter this year (and why?)

This winter between covid creating more barriers and our world feeling tumultuous my family and I have been focusing on controlling the controllables. Limiting screen time, making and eating dinner together every night, walking in the woods behind our house even on the coldest days and holding each other accountable to the expectations we have for ourselves.

For me personally I spent months perfecting an ojas milk that suits me.  I plan my day around when I can sit and enjoy a warm cup - I'm lucky enough to have a great farm where I can get whole fresh milk and feel healthier with every sip.