Golden Milk Recipe

Golden Milk: The Autumn Elixir

Golden milk is a delicious way to balance the transition into Autumn. This simple blend of spices and ghee in milk will help to warm and ground during the crisp, cool season of the Air & Ether elements. These elements become more prominently expressed this time of year, also known as Vata season!

The Vata season's signature is one of mobility, you might think of this as flighty and phrenetic energy that comes with the cooler temperature and the increase in wind, especially through leafless trees.

The season of mobility subtly impacts the body and creates more restlessness, and nervous or anxious tendencies, if not properly managed. The best way to balance mobility is with opposite qualities; stability and grounding.

Milk, whether it’s cow or almond, contains sweet and heavier qualities which help to facilitate the grounding and building qualities that Vata needs to stay balanced.

The main powerhouse of this elixir is turmeric, which gives the milk its beautiful golden color. Turmeric is high in antioxidants and has incredible anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. As a rhizome (root) that grows in the ground, there are subtle grounding qualities to turmeric as well.

Immunity in Ayurveda can be loosely translated to Ojas, the immune and vitality essence of the body. The combination of milk, ghee, and turmeric boosts our Ojas, meaning it adds to our immunity reserves. The remaining spices in this recipe help to enhance digestion.

Try this recipe to start your day or end your day, as it is especially helpful to promote good sleep.


1 cup milk, almond or cow
1 tbsp coconut sugar
1 tsp ghee or coconut oil
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp cardamom
A pinch of ginger powder
A pinch of nutmeg

Combine ingredients into a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring when necessary. Bring to a light boil and then remove from heat. Let cool and serve.